Pre-Purchase Report
Your marine surveyor is the person with expertise whom you hire to protect your best interests and check everything to make sure the vessel is sound.
Ensure peace of mind when you’re purchasing a vessel through our pre-purchase survey. These are usually carried out once a contract has been made to purchase subject to survey and sea trial and after a deposit has been made.
As a purchaser you need to be aware of any structural issues and hidden defects that may incur future costs.
The pre-purchase survey is non-invasive with tapping, moisture and visual checks of the accessible areas of the structure. The vessel will need to be hauled out of the water for hull bottom, drive line, skin fitting and other underwater items to be inspected. The pre-purchase survey assesses the structural integrity of hull, decks and internal structure. In addition, systems, fixture and fittings will be checked for overall condition.
Engines, rigs and sails can be inspected by the appropriate professionals. We can arrange this with prior arrangement.
In addition a sea trial can be arranged to check general performance and operation of the vessel’s systems.
As a surveyor it is our role to report the condition of the vessel as we see it and report any issues and their significance and implications. If any major issues are found a surveyor would normally recommend the purchaser seek a second opinion from a specialised professional.
Insurance companies will also request a vessel condition report prior to insuring the vessel. Our pre-purchase survey more than covers report requirements from the insurance company.
As a surveyor we work to help protect the interests of the purchaser of the vessel.